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What does it cost?

Here you can calculate the membership fees for your company to be a member of Maskinentreprenörerna (ME).

The minimum fee for membership in ME and the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (SN) is SEK 5,455/ year excluding VAT. The membership fee to ME is based on the salary of the employee. 

As a member of The association of Swedish Earth Moving Contractors (ME), your company is automatically a member of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (SN). The fee to SN is 0,081% of the company's payroll dependent on size (at least SEK 500 per year). (The fee to the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise is based on the salary of the employee, CEO, owner and family.)

Almost the entire fee is deductible in your tax returns.

Do as follows to calculate the cost for the membership in ME:

Enter last year's gross salary paid to employees in SEK, excluding social security contributions. Now click on the calculate button.

Uppdaterad 02 March 2022

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